146 ANTIQUITIES OF INDIAN TIBET [VOL. II garment; 'al-iwn (ahcCtn), flag, colour', "a-na (and), anna; 'ah-n-zi (angrezi), English ; }ar~zi Carzi), petition ; bab-tti (ban), cloth; ban-do-bast (bandobast), arrangements; ba-ra-sa-hib (bard *«/ quarter; pe-ne (pana), a coin; ra-stiw, (rustim), customs ; sag-lad (saqaldt, etc.)> scarlet cloth ; sa-lam (saldni), salutation; sa-na (sanat), year; sa-ra (sard), mansion, rest-house ; sar-kar, ser-kdr (sarkdr), government; ser, a measure; tha-li (thall), tin-plate; tJia-va-dar (thdnaddr), officer of police;, ti-ka (tlkd), tilak mark on forehead; ica-zir, wa-zlr (icazlr), minister; za-min-dar (zamlnddr), landlord; zar-rab (%arrab}> mint-master; zi-zi (reduplication of-si on analogy of 30-30), lady: -zu-lum (zulm), oppression, injustice. English avoids are the following:—ra-pad> report; nam-bar, number; thi-kct, ticket; si-ke-ther, secretary; kap-tan, captain; ka-nris-nart commissioner; ba-ro-me-tar, barometer; bi-gitl, bugle; koii-sol, council; ku-mi-dan, commandant; kam-rag, cambric. English names are:—Jon-sen, Johnson; 3fa-ka-ra-phad, Moorcroft; T-Zfl/, Elias; Ke-li, Cayley. For page-references see the Index. XL Chronological and Taxation Tables From tlie time when King Sen-ge-rnam-rgyal gave a site for the Kha-che-mas-jid [Kashmir mosque] to the present year, A.D. 1910, 316 years . . A.D. 1594 From the time when the Gtsug-gtor willow (near the Clm-tha mill) was planted to this year, 316 years . .......A.D. 1594 From the time when Ma-ka-ra-phad (Moorcroft)-Sa-hib arrived, during the reign of King Tshe-dpal-don-grub, 168 years ...... A.D. 1742 From the birth of King Hjigs-med-kun-dgah, in the time of Zorawar, to this year, .70 years...........A.D. 1840 From Tshe-dban-rab-brtan's flight to Spyi-ti and death there to the present day, 70 years ..„.......". A.D. 1840 Since Basti-Rani turned the king's best field (mother-field), which was called Yan-ma or Te-tses-zin, into a bazaar, to this year, 68 years .... A.D. 1842 Since Ke-li (Cayley), the commissioner, lived at Leh (at first, during two years, Mun-si Ka-rim-Baks was in the place of a commissioner) to this year, 46 years A.D. 1864 Since the meteorological station (barometer) was established and a house built for it at Leh, to this year. 31 years ....... A.D. 1879 Since Bsod-nams-mam-rgyal was born (formerly the [royal] salary was 312 Rs., 8 As.; after that year it was 1,800 Rs.) to this year, 33 years . . . A.D. 1877 Since the great Sara was built by 1-lai, the commissioner (Elias), and Jon-sen (Johnson) to this day, 43 years . ........A.D. ig67 Since Pandit Radha-Krisna made the polo ground at Leh to this year, 25 years........... A.D. 1885